
Friday, October 1, 2010


Billycan from Nightshade City
Finally!!! The rats have arrived!!! In honor of their arrival, I'm giving out 2 signed copies of NIGHTSHADE CITY! One here and one on my blog! So, you have 2 brilliant chances to win! To enter, follow each blog if you don't already and leave a comment telling me your favorite book of all time!!! That's it!! Contest ends at midnight tonight! I love you guys and thanks so much for
your support!!! I can finally relax now--NOT!!! ;)

xoxo -- Hilary


  1. hmm i already said this on the other blog but probably the Stand/Mists of Avalon, since i tend to re-read them quite frequently

  2. I think I'll choose a different book than I did on your blog, because one favorite is just too hard.

    "The Outlaws of Sherwood" by Robin McKinley. I read it as a teenager, and this book sucked me in and made me wish I could create a story like this. I'm still working at that, but it definitely inspired me.

  3. Probably The Old Man and the Sea.


  4. Because I picked my first favorite book on your blog, I'll go with - The Black Whippet by S. Sutten-Vane here. Congratulations!

  5. Hooray for Hilary! My favorite book changes on a weekly basis, but today it's Danny, the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl.

  6. LOTR is favorite book of all time. But I can't wait to read Nightshade City. It looks awesome!

  7. Of ALL time, hmmmm! I would say The Tale of Tawny and Dingo by William Armstrong. There was something about a dog and a lamb becoming best friends! It was the book that started it all :)

  8. Hmm. I've got my copy and I'll be reading it as soon as I can tear it away from my daughter, but I would love a signed version for the bookshelf! My favorite book of all time is the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Fellowship of the Ring if I have to pick only one.

    Today's guest blogger in Christina Lee!

  9. Adventures in Fern Hollow, hands down. It's out of print, now, though. AND, it's based on the characters from Wind in the Willows. :)

  10. Congrats!! Now, I have to pick one favorite book. That's like picking a favorite child. :P If I must pick one, I would have to go with THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY by Oscar Wilde. (I'll pick another one on your blog.) ;)

  11. Billycan looks so scary! I love it.
    I can't pick just ONE favorite book, but I love anything by Joan Aiken.

  12. HILARY! So, so excited for you and wishing you all the best on release day.

    Favorite book of all time? Impossible question!

    But my favorite Middle Grade books are the Anne series by L.M. Montgomery. Still reread them every year.

  13. Congrats of release day! :)

    Probably The Hobbit or Anne of GG - they're both so wonderful!

  14. The Razor's Edge by Somerset Maugham--I love the prose...LOVE it!

    Congrats on your debut--can't wait to pick up Nightshade City!!!!!!

  15. Jane Eyre is my favorite book of all time.
    I follow both blogs.
    bkhabel at gmail dot com

  16. Hooray--welcome Nightshade City!

    Favorite book--so hard to pick one, but I do love Beauty by Robin McKinley. Fairy tale retelling, of course :)


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!