
Friday, July 22, 2011

Confession Time

I've never read past the first Harry Potter. 

Sure, it was great, but as I was teaching at the time, there were too many other new titles in my classroom library vying for my attention, and I fell behind. I figured once I had children of my own I'd start the series again.

Fast forward a dozen years: my older son tried The Sorcerer's Stone and after three chapters wasn't interested enough to continue. My younger guy is still reading Beverly Clearly and the like. Maybe in a few years we'll read it together. It's hard to say.

Do I feel like I've missed out? I guess. I don't understand the desire to recount the coolest scenes or favorite characters or the recent last movie phenomenon. But it's really no big deal. There are plenty of other marvelous books I've devoured since 1998, when Muggles everywhere first learned of Harry and Hogwarts.

What big books or series have you never read?

And the burning question: Have I just called down the wrath of fellow Project Mayhemers on my head? 


  1. I never read HP either. I tried but didn't get past the first fifty pages. Once again, that whole subjectivity thing! But I love the movies and characters. The same with Lord of the Rings. I never read the books but love the movies and characters.

  2. you are not alone. i gave up on the series early on as well and have learned to keep quiet about it when public discussions arise. for the movies i just say "i haven't seen the ones before" and that usually puts a stop to a conversation, but if i should dare to admit having abandoned the series because it didn't speak to me... hoo-boy, am i ever in for a lengthy lecture about what is wrong with me.

    generally with series, i can't stand to start it if i cannot read them all straight through; if i have to wait for the next book i tend to lose interest. i don't watch TV for the same reason; i find very few dramas in any media compelling enough to require my constant attachment to them.

  3. I would say that you are definitely missing out, but you're right that everything is subjective. If it's not for you it's not for you.

    There are (apparently) people who don't like Tolkien either. I don't know what's wrong with them, but they do exist (no offense, Kimmy)!

  4. I've seen all the movies.... That's all I'm saying! I admit nothing! ;)

  5. Like Matt, I'd say you're definitely missing out, especially if you love children's literature. I love the whole series but it was the 3rd book (and beyond) that really blew me away.

    As for series I've never read...I barely got through "The Golden Compass" and have no desire to read the rest of Pullman's "His Dark Materials." Also, I've yet to read any of the Percy Jackson books.

  6. I have read book one. I still may read the rest.... :-)... :-)...

  7. Start with the third book, Prisoner of Azkaban! Seriously. I love the books, but I started with the third one, (I had seen the movies of the first two) and tried to read the first book but it was a difficult time in my reading life. Even less time than usual!

    So, i picked up the third and it grabbed me. Went back and read the first two eventually as well.

    But the 6th and 7th...pure magic.

    This is a series that really gets better as it goes along, I think.


  8. It's hard for me to think of any series that I haven't read, but by the same token I don't think you need to beat yourself up over not having read Harry Potter. With the vast number of books out there in the world, it's impossible to read them all. Just enjoy the ones you do get to read in this life.

  9. I'm reading book one. I love it, but I have a lot of other things to read, too. I'll get to them all eventually.

  10. Great discussion, all! Thanks for joining in.

  11. I've never looked at GRRM's song of ice and fire, nor Jordan's Wheel of Time series. I've only made it through half of Fellowship of the Ring too. I'm pretty damn educated when it comes to the biggies, hehe.

  12. I'm a fantasy girl, so I've read 'em all: HP, GRRM, LotR. And I LOVE them. Needless to say when my husband read Fellowship of the Ring and then just set it aside - said he wasn't interested in reading the rest - and this was before the movies came out (!) I was appalled - haha!

    But, to each his own. I do try and select MG titles I wouldn't otherwise read just so I can become more familiar with the genre. Even so, I haven't read Percy Jackson, yet. Or the Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Or anything by Neil Gaiman (gasp!). But I figure with three boys at home, I'll get there eventually.

  13. I never made it past the first book either. I thought it was good, but it didn't make me want to stand in line for the next. I think it's great that Rowling has been so successful. ( I like writers to succeed!) and, as a former teacher, any writer that can get young people to wait for big fat books with rich vocabulary wins my applause. But for myself, the series just never grabbed me.

    I'm new to your blog, by the way. Loved your confession and will be back.

  14. I definitely think you're missing out. I ADORE these books, and a kid reading Beverly Cleary is plenty old to have these read together (my kids got them at 6 for the older and 5 for the younger--there were only 4 out when we started, so several rereads--I think the story reads well on several levels so young kids get the good versus evil and the fun of it and about every 3rd year there is a new level to understand them on.

    As for not-reads... I keep intending to read Terry Pratchet's Disc World, several fantasy series... I know I should be far more read in YA, considering I write it (but romance annoys me, and that seems so central)

  15. I loved HP but there are plenty of other ones I haven't read. The Boxcar children ones, I never did Nancy Drew, and I haven't done any of Rick Riordans books. I think we're all guilty in one way or another. Nobody's perfect. :)

  16. I have not read either! Rick Riordan's series was great though! I've read all the Percy Jackson's.

  17. I read the first three HP books, but I know what you're saying. It's kind of hard to get me to read more than three books in a series. For example, I love Artemis Fowl, but only read the first two. Great post, Caroline.

  18. I've only read the first Artemis Fowl. And loved it! I think a part of it is similar to what David said. If I can't read them straight through, I start to lose interest. In fact, there are very few series in the last ten years I think I've stuck with to the end.

    Maybe my own personal reading quirk.

    And what in the world is GRMM?

  19. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but the responses to this post are scaring me. I've preferred series' to stand-alones since my dad started reading LOTR aloud to us at night. I also prefer to write them. Now I'm wondering whether the whole concept is as commercially viable as I've always assumed.

    Hilary? You've got an awesome series going. Do you know how they compare to non-series books? Is that something you can even discuss without writing an entire thesis?

    Caroline: Google these terms to discover GRRM.

    George R. R. Martin
    A Song of Ice and Fire
    A Game of Thrones

  20. I love series, and am a huge fan of Harry Potter. I read the Percy Jackson series and some of the Artemis Fowl, but they don't grip me as much as HP. Good think middle grade covers so many different interests. I've come to realize my daughter really loves contemporary school setting MG (she loved GOSSIP FROM THE GIRLS ROOM), but since I have limited time to read, I'm always going to choose something more fantasy related.

  21. Why, why WHY would you say this in public?!? And all these commenters! Oh my muggle heart is breaking...

  22. I HAVE NOT READ A SINGLE HARRY POTTER BOOK! There, done! :) Note the fact that I'm staying anonymous here.

  23. And I should add: George R. R. Martin's stuff is definitely not MG, but it is a fantasy series. ;)

  24. And I agree with Matt - I love series. Maybe it's because you invest in the world and then can keep returning there over and over again? I'm not sure...

    Sophia - haha! Maybe they'll come around yet. ;)

  25. Matt, series are alive and well! I've heard there's typically a slight dip in sales with each progressive title, but the majority of readers stick around.

    And to my friends writing series: you're the best! I'll read every word! ;)

  26. I loved Harry Potter. I read some of them in audio version while I exercised which might be a way to read them.

    I've never read Twilight though so people might tell me to read that too.

  27. Haha! Nice post! I loved Harry Potter and I still don't understand the obsessiveness. It was a great series, but as you say there are a lot of great books out there.

  28. I've never read Harry Potter either


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!