
Monday, October 24, 2011

RUMORS book giveaway!


Rumors from the Boys' Room, A Blogtastic! Novel is the MG second book in this series, released October 11th by Random House. I'm very happy to do the first giveaway here for a signed copy of this book.  It's written in notebook format with illustrations to go along with the text. 

From B&N: These days the lives of middle schoolers seems to take place as much online as off. In this male counterpart of her Gossip from the Girls' Room, Rose Cooper takes us inside the blogosphere as preteen boys and girls find their way in a place where shared secrets and posted rumors can change almost everything in just a click. Editor's recommendation.

Just post a comment to be entered to win!


  1. Congrats on your new book. Looks awesome.

  2. Dang it! These are the days when I wish I wasn't a member.

  3. Excited to read your new book! Big congratulations!

  4. Congrats, Rose!!! I hope this goes into many printings just like your first book!!!! :)

  5. The cover and title are so adorable!!! :)

  6. "These days the lives of middle schoolers seems to take place as much online as off."

    This is my kid's life, even though he's a high school freshman. I think they do most of their communicating online.

    Looking forward to reading this, Rose.

  7. Awe-some!
    I can't believe book 2 has come so quickly! You're mad quick, Rose!

  8. Congrats, Rose!!! :-) :-) :-)

  9. I haven't made the blog rounds in awhile, but for this I must <3

  10. I am so happy for you. Congrats on the book, can't wait to read it.

  11. Congrats Rose I just order your other book "Gossip fm the girls rm" for my daughter :)

  12. I am so excited for you Rose! Congratulations on all your successes. If there was ever a person who deserved it all, that's you!

  13. If "Rumors from the Boy's Room" is as witty and fun as "Gossip from the Girl's Room," and I'm sure it is, you have another winner!

  14. Wonderful cover. Thanks for hosting the giveaway and congratulations.

  15. Congrats for having your second Blogtastic book published, Rose! I hope there will be many, many more in this fun series. :)


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!