
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How to Win at NaNoWriMo Video :)

For those who are unfamilar with NaNo, it stands for National Novel-Writing Month and takes place in November. I was very confused about it when I first heard about it, though not as clueless as the character in the video. I don't participate in NaNo, but had a sudden inspiration to make a video about it.

I made the video the other night on a whim, and then couldn’t figure out why I had spent the time on it when I could have been doing something more worthwhile. The guilt only lasted a little while, until  I realized that when writing becomes a job, sometimes writers need to step away from it and find some other creative outlet just to relax and clear their minds. In my case, one of the things I do is make goofy videos.  The pressures to write something publishable, then get it sold and then hope people buy it can make you crazy if you don’t find a way to forget about it occasionally.  I’d be curious to know how other writers deal with the pressure. Please comment if you find yourself in the same situation, and tell us what you do to cope. Oh, and if you have never checked out Xtranormal, it is a terrifically easy way to make short videos, especially if you aren’t looking to make serious ones.

If you'd like to see my other extranormal videos, including "Punctuation Man-The Secret to Getting Published," they are on one of my blogs: videos
~ Dee Garretson


  1. I have a strategy to win, too, but it doesn't involve coming in 1st! LOL! :)

    Yes, doing this creative thing without going crazy is seriously important. Hold onto that!

  2. Dee, I'm very impressed!

    "Writers are easily distracted..." How true!

  3. Dee, I just got a chance to view your video. Totally funny!!! Two thumbs way up. I love that "win at NaNo and get a book deal" :-0 I also love that he doesn't have an idea for his novel--he just wants to "win"...

  4. hahaha! Love scenes with toasters. And those &*#$#*(")$ cat videos as distraction. Work on me every time. Brilliant. ;)


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!