
Friday, March 16, 2012

Trailer for Lynne Kelly's CHAINED

Folks, I'm here to tell you a shocking truth. The Chinese zodiac has got it all wrong. It's not the Year of the Dragon. It's the Year of the Elephant.

Okay, now that I've caused riots in the streets, let me explain. I've just come from reading two books in which elephants have a starring role, THE ONE AND ONLY IVAN and TUA AND THE ELEPHANT. Now we must add Lynne Kelly's debut, CHAINED. Heck, as Lynne Kelly remarked to me, elephants may just be the new vampires!

CHAINED has already been mentioned on Project Mayhem. (Remember Caroline's post in December when she got us all excited about five MG debuts?) Now we have the great honor of being one of the first to reveal the book trailer.

This is an amazing trailer, don't you agree? I had the pleasure of an e-mail exchange with Lynne Kelly. What, I asked, was the inspiration behind CHAINED, and what sort of research did she have to do? Here are her answers:

The research involved a lot of reading--books and online materials, but most importantly, talking to people who've lived in India and people who work with elephants. Especially about Indian culture, I learned things from corresponding with people that I couldn't have picked up from any amount of reading.

As for what inspired the book, I'd heard a "Don't be like an elephant" cautionary tale about how a young elephant that's tied up will struggle and struggle to break free, but when it gives up, it gives up for good. So later, the full-grown elephant is still tethered by that same small rope or chain, even though it's big enough to break free. When I heard that I'd thought it would make a great children's story, but I was thinking I'd write a picture book about it. That idea grew into the novel it is now, so although it's a completely different book than the one I first imagined, that elephant held by a small chain is still there.

I have a feeling that CHAINED is going to be a massive success. Thank you, Lynne, for creating such a profound and moving story.

CHAINED will be on the shelves May 8th, 2012. If you visit Lynne's blog on Tuesday the 20th (I'm tying a string around my finger!) you can learn how she made the trailer. She'll also have a longer version of it there.

Thanks for stopping by to celebrate Lynne Kelly, her novel, and THE YEAR OF THE ELEPHANT. (Fade to sounds of trumpeting.)


  1. That trailer both gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. I'm sure the actual book will do the same. Thanks for sharing it!

  2. Like Sarah, I feel the tragedy of this topic, but I'm sure the book will be a huge success. Thank you, Michael and Lynne, both.

  3. I loved this book so much that I just want to hug and smoosh it all over again after watching that trailer. Just lovely and I can't wait for it to come out so everyone can read it and see for themselves how awesome it is. Congrats, Lynne!

  4. Great trailer. Chained looks like an amazing story. Elephants are so incredible and expressive.

  5. Wow! Just wow! What a powerful trailer. I cannot wait to read this. Thanks Michael and congrats Lynne! This is a wonderful accomplishment!

  6. Oh my gosh, Lynne that trailer gave me goosebumps. Great job! I can't wait for the book!

  7. A powerful trailer for a powerful book! Congrats, Lynne!

  8. Can't wait to read it. :)

  9. Love Lynne, love CHAINED and love this book trailer. I see amazing things happening for this story!!!!

  10. I think this book has one of the most gorgeous MG covers I've seen in a long time. Such powerful stuff. I can't wait to read it, Lynne. I think Caroline's review on Goodreads pretty much says it all.

    GREAT post, Michael!! :-)

  11. This is a beautiful, moving story. I'm so happy Project Mayhem gets to spread the word!

  12. Brilliant. Chills...I got the chills!!!

  13. The trailer is fabulous! And the book sounds amazing. Can't wait to read it. Congratulations!

  14. Who's cutting onions in here?!

    This looks really awesome, I can't wait to read it! (with a box of Kleenex nearby) *sniff*

  15. Oh my! So beautiful!! Looks like an amazing book!

  16. This is surely a powerful trailer. The story sounds amazing and gut-wrenching. Thank you for spotlighting it.

  17. Looks like a compelling story. Thanks for sharing this.

  18. Can't wait to read this! Thanks Michael and congrats Lynne.

  19. Love the trailer Lynne! I am so excited for you and am dying to read the book!

  20. Thanks so much for the lovely comments, everyone, and thank you, Michael, for the trailer post!

  21. Yay Lynne, wonderful trailer! Thanks for posting it, Michael!

  22. Wonderful trailer and I really enjoyed the tidbit you shared about your inspiration for CHAINED.

  23. Wow, that book trailer really is wonderful. It's the rare trailer that inspires me to want to read a book, but this one does. Sounds like an amazing book!

  24. Wow--thank you for sharing. This is now must read. You are right on the trailer. _Really_ well done.

    1. Oh, I love it! Great job on this -- lots of feeling.

  25. Wow! That was so powerful! I got chills.


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!