
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Twitterific Middle-Grade Book Giveaway!

Hello everyone! Project Mayhem is finally on twitter! So, if you're twitterific please give us a follow and we promise we'll stalk you back! We've also done a bit of redesign on the blog. It was time! We are still making some much needed overhauls, but if you don't like it please complain to management and we'll see what we can do! We are all about pleasing our readers!

In honor of our new design and social media triumphs (because opening that twitter account took a whole five seconds) we'll be giving away a big box of stunning new middle-grade books/ARC's--hot of the presses!

Here is what one lucky winner will get:
  1. Mimi by John Newman (Candlewick Press)
  2. The Beyonders, Seeds of Rebellion by Brandon Mull (Aladdin)
  3. Tua and the Elephant by R.P. Harris (Chronicle Books)
  4. Haunted Histories by J.H. Everett & Marilyn Scott-Waters (Henry Holt)
  5. The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen (Scholastic)
  6. Little Dog, Lost by Marion Dane Bauer (Atheneum)
  7. Nightshade City by Hilary Wagner (Holiday House)
  8. The Wild Book by Margarita Engle (Harcourt)
Wow, that's eight books! 

To enter the contest:
  1. Leave a comment on social media in your life: Do you love it, hate it, addicted, or are you a recently recovered addict?? 
  2. If you don't already, please follow the PM blog, by going to that little gray sidebar on the right and adding yourself to our Head Mischief Makers via Google Connect!
  3. Follow us on twitter. If you don't have an account we'll just have to go by the honor system!
  4. Spread the word! This is 100% optional, but greatly appreciated!
Winner will be annouced on Thursday of next week! Thanks to everyone who's built up Project Mayhem! It seems like we are exploding these days and we are so happy to have you all be part of our combustion!


  1. Social media is great! I can't say I'm an addict, but my life would be boring without it. I met so many wonderful people through Twitter and blogs. I'm on Facebook as well, but mainly to keep in touch with my close friends and family. I'm also on Google+, Pinterest, and Goodreads, but I hardly ever visit. Sometimes it's just too much. I tend to stick to Twitter, blogs I follow, and my online writing group on

    1. Agreed, Annie! I used to be on a lot more things and I had to cut back! It got to be way too much for one human person!

    2. Right on, Hilary! I hate the pressure we're put under to blog, to Facebook, to tweet and re-tweet, ugh!!

      I love to blog, I just wish I was better at posting more regularly, and better watch my ranting.

      Facebook isn't as bad as I once thought, but I refuse to let it turn me into a bitter old grouch, and while I don't hate Twitter, I don't feel comfortable with it yet, and for the dense way I write, limiting me to under 100+ characters feels like writing one-liners for an ad agency, something I'm not good at, but at least no can say I'm not trying to give Twitter a chance. But I'm withholding my final word on it for now.

    3. When I say "Dense" I mean long, not dumb. I try to be careful about words with more than one or two meanings.

  2. Oooo, what an awesome giveaway package. Thanks for being so generous!

    Social media is super fun, and one of the most helpful places with writing tips and advice, but I'm pretty sure I could live without it. I wish all my blog & Twitter buddies were my real neighbors instead of just virtual neighbors!

    Congrats on your Twitter account, woohooo!!! I'm a new follower!

  3. Laura, is that not the truth? It was hard for me to meet other writers in my local area, I didn't know where to begin, so I built up this great network of online writer buddies! Now I've meet so many through local book events, etc, and it's been such a thrill! They are REAL people, not cyborgs! ;)

  4. Good luck! Someone is going to be a VERY happy winner. :)

  5. Good luck! Someone is going to be a VERY happy winner. :)

  6. I love social media, but I am not addicted, too many other things to do. I find that facebook is the best way to keep in contact with old friends. I use my blog to help promote middle grade and YA , and twitter to follow industry news. I follow your tweets @dorinewhite

    1. I used to be a bit of an addict, but it got a little overwhelming! We have lives to lead, which don't involve our fingers on a keyboard! ;)

  7. I have to be careful with social media. If I don't pay attention, I'll spend all day on it (especially Twitter and Goodreads). I love it, but I wish there was a better way to manage it all.

    1. People either love or hate Twitter. I love it. I've stayed away lately though, too much to do than think up 140 witty characters! ;)

  8. I love social media in my life, though it is my biggest time waster. I would get so much more done without it, especially without twitter. I follow the blog and follow on twitter @thebookcellarx . I also RTed a tweet on twitter :)

    1. Someone called it a major time suck vacuum a long while back. I thought that was a scarily perfect description of social media! ;)

  9. Social media keeps me sane while I'm at the Day Job.

    Off to tweet now, and congrats on the new look!

    1. Thanks J! We won't tell your coworkers you're tweeting, promise! ;)

  10. While I do enjoy all the different social media sites I participate in, I don't think I'm addicted to them. Well, except for Twitter (I just like to see what everyone is reading and what's going on). =)

    I do love being able to talk about my thoughts on all the YA and MG books that I've read on my blog.

    Following y'all on Twitter (HauntedOrchid) & GFC (Orchid)

    1. Orchid, thanks for connecting! Addicts never know they are addicted! ;)

  11. I'm a total addict!!! It's a love/hate relationship really. I need to stop and I don't. Always want more!!!

    Oh, and I really want to win:)

    1. Ha, Laura, I love your enthusiasm! And admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery no? ;) Thanks for being a part of Project Mayhem!

  12. Bahaha. Leave it to Hilary to call our growth a "combustion". ;)

    1. It kinda sounds like we all need a little Pepto! ;)

  13. I wouldn't say that I'm a social networking addict, but my husband probably disagrees. I would probably go into withdrawal if I wasn't able to check Facebook at least once a day.

    1. My husband would disagree too, though he did mention I've gotten A LOT better! :)

  14. Awesome contest. I spend too much time social networking. Which is why I'm not on Twitter yet. Though I probably will do so soon. Then HELP! I'd love to win but if I do give a second winner Seed of Rebellion because I already won a copy.

    1. Oh, you are a generous girl! Now go open that twitter account, you don't need! All the cool kids are doing it! ;)

  15. Social Media is a daily thing for me, but not every account. I enjoy Goodreads, which is where I saw this blog post first, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, use LiveJournal to reply to posts there, and am starting to explore more of all things Google. I post to my blogspot blog about once a month...

    1. I'm on Google+, but it just hasn't grown on me yet! I'm trying! :)

  16. I can take social media or leave it; mostly the later!

    But welcome to twitter, and thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Social media sometimes controls my life waaaaaaaaaaay too much. I need a break from it once in awhile :)

    I do follow on twitter: @justkeepreading and I follow the blog :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

    1. Jill, isn't terrible how much our daily functioning involves social media?? I get antsy when I haven't checked my email in a while! ;)

  18. I'd be lost without social media. (But I'd be writing more!) 0:-)

    1. I know another writer who completely turns off her internet access for a certain amount of time each day. It won't even let her access if she wanted to. I'd go bonkers!

  19. I have a love/hate thing with social media. I love how my blogger/writer friends are so supportive, but I don't like always feeling like I should be posting/commenting/tweeting more than I am. Because it does take away writing time, and I don't have a ton of that as it is.

    1. Right, for me, I always reply when people post on my blog or on a Project Mayhem post of mine, but it's so hard for me to get on other people's blogs and read their posts. It's a time thing and it makes me feel so guilty!

  20. hi miss hilary! wowee! cool giveaway. for sure you could put me it it. i dont do facebook or twitter. mostly all my social media stuff is just from blogging and my email. for me thats way enough cause i got other stuff im doing like school and stuff i wanna do like reading those neat books if i win them. :) now im a follower for this blog and im gonna put this giveaway on my sidebar. i already got your fantastical book so if i win you could give just only that one to someone else. thanks for doing such a neat giveaway.
    ...hugs from lenny

    1. You are so sweet, Lenny! And you are too young for facebook and twitter! :) I'm writing NC III right now and you'll get one of the first copies! ;)

  21. I really really really hate social media...b/c I'm reallyx3 addicted to it. My iPhone is like this tumor growing out of my hand, giving me wrist pain and eye strain and neck aches. I would definitely feel more lonely without it though, and luckily the YA community is super nice and supportive.

  22. I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I love feeling connected to so many other readers, writers, and bloggers. On the other hand, I feel guilty or left out when I go "off the grid" for a week and then try to get back into it. I feel like it's a big commitment and I wonder if it comes at the expense of my writing time...


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!