
Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer Brain Vacation - A Personal Readathon

How often to you give yourself two or three hours to read? Since I started writing, I sometimes feel guilty for setting aside a big block of time to read. There is always something else I could be doing: revising, meeting a word count goal, or plotting a new story. There is also the siren call of social media. I know not everyone falls for it, including some of the Project Mayhemers, but I have a tough time staying away from Twitter, both for its publishing news and as a way to chat with friends. And of course, there are also the biggest calls on our time: jobs, children, family and mundane things like food and laundry.

It struck me as my children are collecting books to read when we go on vacation, that’s something I don’t do anymore. At the last minute, I grab a few books and toss them in the car, but I don’t spend time thinking about getting a book I particularly want to read and making sure to have it along on the trip.

That’s going to change. I’ve already stepped away from Twitter, and don’t intend to go back to using it much until the fall. And if one of the purposes of vacation is to recharge, I need to let myself to do. Recharging for me in the past has always consisted of reading. So I’m going to start collecting books for our vacation, not books I feel I need to read to be in the loop, just books that will be pure fun for me. So far, I have two on the list, both of the epic fantasy type. Even though I don't write epic fantasy, reading it inspires me. Neither is kidlit, but since I read dozens of kidlit books a year, I’m giving myself permission to step away from that as well.

Here are mine. (Aren't these great covers?) If you have a book you are reading for pure pleasure this summer, go ahead and tell us about it!

Happy reading! ~ Dee Garretson


  1. I don't often have huge blocks of time for reading, but I do tend to always be reading and always have a book with me in case I get stuck waiting in a line somewhere.

    1. Andrew, that's great you can do that. I have a hard time concentrating on reading with people around me. Maybe I need earplugs.

  2. Those covers look very cool. I read every single day. Maybe not for 3 hours, but probably at least one. I wish I had time for more.

    1. I was surprised they changed the Finnikin on the Rock cover when it came out in paperback. The one I posted was the hardback and I like it much better than the newer one.

  3. I'm re-reading Jane Eyre right now, something I haven't picked up since high school. What a treat!

    1. Oh, I haven't thought about Jane Eyre in a long time. I did just reread To Kill a Mockingbird. So, so good!

  4. Love your thoughts on books... I personally don't Twitter. I am old fashioned that way I suppose, but I really don't feel the need for constant contact. I enjoy my alone time.
    Books are wonderful1 Read on!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Patrick. I wish I had stayed away from Twitter. I'm actually not that social of a person, so I don't know why it appeals to me so much.

  5. You should definitely do the MotherReader 48 Hour Reading Challenge next year. It's always the end of May/beginning of June. ( I'm thinking of hosting a Winter Reading Binge in January, because it's just fun to do from time to time.

  6. I have no time for social media lately, but reading is a must for any writer! Every spare moment I have a book in hand! :)

  7. I am totally looking forward to my vacation at the end of July. In the mountains above Lake Chelan in Washington State. No electronics, no social media. Just the mountains, the river, and a sack of books. (I'm taking recommendations, by the way.)

  8. I just finished reading Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese. It's his first novel and it was amazing!!
    Happy Reading!! :-)


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!