
Friday, September 28, 2012

Blog Tour: Keeper of The Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger

Today is my day to feature Shannon Messenger on her blog tour for the release of her debut novel, Keeper of the Lost Cities. Special thanks to Katie, from Mundie Moms, for organizing the tour (visit this link for more info, and extra giveaways). Anyway, I could go on about what a great friend Shannon is, or about how much my kid loved her book, but I think it's probably best to let her get to her guest post. Take it away, Shannon:

I can't tell you how excited I am to be here, today. Project Mayhem is one of my favorite middle grade blogs, so it's so much fun that I get to come hang out with you guys. I promise I will try not to break the awesome around here!

I've been asked to talk today about 5 books I loved as a kid--which is awesome because dude, I LOVED books growing up. But it's also like--AHHH HOW CAN I POSSIBLY LIMIT MY LIST TO FIVE?????????????????

I've forced myself to be good though, so here they are (in random order because I refuse to pick favorites)


by Frances Hodgson Burnett

What little girl DOESN'T love this book? There is just something so timeless and endearing about it. I love every word. THE SECRET GARDEN is equally amazing. But A LITTLE PRINCESS was the one I read over and over and over.


by Robert Lawson, Florence Atwater

I know they recently made a movie out of this, and I have yet to see it and find out how much they changed it. But I hope not a lot because I thought this book was pretty much perfect as a kid. And yes, I may have tried to convince my parents I needed a pet penguin.


by Lynne Reid Banks

I loved the whole Indian in the Cupboard series (what kid doesn't want a magic cupboard that brings their toys to life????) but this one was my favorite because it takes readers back in time and history to find out how the cupboard came to be. And she had quite a few tricks up her sleeve with that!


by: Beverly Clearly

I read and adored pretty much everything Beverly Cleary wrote, but my two favorite characters were Ramona Quimby and Ralph S. Mouse. I mean, look at his little helmet--DO YOU GET MORE ADORABLE THAN THAT??? I think not.


by: Louis Sachar

Okay, I know this is a collection of short stories instead of a novel, but dude, I loved each and every one of them. I actually loved all the Wayside School stories, but I will never forget Mrs. Gorf and her evil ability to turn her students into apples. If you haven't read this book you NEED to.

Gah--there's so many more I want to feature--but I'm trying to be a courteous little guest author, so I will stop right there. But feel free to tell me about the books you loved in the comments.

And thank you so much to Project Mayhem for having me. I will now hand your blog back to you, and let you guys get back to the mayhem causing! *waves* *blows kisses*

Now, about the book:

Twelve-year-old Sophie has never quite fit in. She's not comfortable with her family and keeping a secret—she's a telepath. But then she meets Fitz, who tells her the reason she has never felt at home is that, well, she isn't. But Sophie still has secrets, and they're buried deep in her memory for good reason: the answers are in high-demand. The truth could mean life or death, and time is running out.

By: Shannon Messenger
Published by: Simon & Schuster
To Be Released on: October 2nd, 2012
Purchase from:
Simon & Schuster
Barnes & Noble
SIGNED Copies from Once Upon a Time (Must order by October 2nd)
The Book Depository

And, about the Author:

SHANNON MESSENGER graduated from the USC School of Cinematic Arts where she learned that she liked watching movies much better than making them. She also regularly eats cupcakes for breakfast, sleeps with a bright blue stuffed elephant named Ella, and occasionally gets caught talking to imaginary people. So it was only natural for her to write stories for children. Keeper of the Lost Cities is her first middle grade novel. Let the Sky Fall, a young adult novel, will follow in Spring 2013. She lives in Southern California with her husband and an embarrassing number of cats.

Follow Shannon:

And finally, a giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. YAY! for Shannon! Thrilled for her and can't wait to read her story.

  2. I loved The Mouse and the Motorcycle, and still have it on my shelf. I bet your cats like reading it, too.

    All the best with your upcoming release!

  3. So excited for Shannon! So awesome to see her debut as an author. Great list of favorite books too.

  4. Excited to read both of these books!

  5. My daughter and I are so excited to read this book!

    It's interesting to see some of Shannon's favorite childhood books. Mr. Popper's Penguins was big hit in our household too.

    1. My daughter got to read the ARC I have before I did. She loved it!

  6. Shannon's a superstar. She was one of the first bloggers I came across, and I was amazed that she had time (in those days--she's much busier now!) to reply via e-mail to every comment on her blog. I can't wait to read all her novels.

    I also love WAYSIDE SCHOOL. Mrs. Gorp is often used in this house as a cautionary tale whenever my kids are complaining about school. (I.e "Well, it could be worse. Your teacher could be Mrs. Gorp...")

    However, my very favorite children's book is CHARLOTTE'S WEB.

    Thanks for featuring Shannon on PM, Matt.

    1. I replied to you by email, didn't I? Old habits, and something about how they die.

  7. Shannon is one of my favorite people in the blogosphere--I adore her! And I positively L-O-V-E-D Keeper of the Lost Cities. :)

    Great choices, #1. A Little Princess is one of my faves too. I also loved the BESTSY books by Carolyn Haywood and Follow My Leader by James Garfield.

    1. I'm sort of ashamed to admit this, but I only read two of those five books. :hangs head in shame:

  8. I've been excited to read this book for so long, that I feel like Oct 2nd will NEVER get here!

    My favorite children's book? Tough, tough decision. I guess either A WRINKLE IN TIME or any Ramona Quimby book.

  9. Congrats, Shannon. So happy for you!

    1. I realize it looks weird, me replying to this comment, but it looks even weirder if there's only one comment I DON'T reply to.

  10. Oh wow, it's so cool seeing a post from me on this amazing blog. Thank you guys so much for having me, and Matt especially for getting it all arranged. AND THESE COMMENTS ARE TOTALLY MAKING ME BLUSH! Thank you all--this is why I miss being more active in the blogosphere. I miss you guys. Stupid deadlines!

    1. Hey, you and Katie did all the work. But we're glad to have you!

  11. I'm reading Keeper of the Lost Cities right now and I really enjoy it! :) I also loved Mr. Popper's Penguins, The Indian in the Cupboard books (although I don't remember if I read that one), and Sideways Stories from Wayside School. My favorite books when I was younger were The Dollhouse Murders and the Sleepover Friends series.

    1. I'm reading it right now too, Zanne! I'm about 2/3-3/4 of the way through, and I agree, it's so much fun.

  12. Love Shannon and can't wait to read KEEPERS! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  13. As you can see we are all PSYCHED you are visiting us! Lost Cities sounds fab. And thanks for reminding us about childhood faves.

  14. I read a lot of Beverly Clearly as a kid too, and stuff about unicorns?! Anyway, love the blurb you have up there about your book. My kids are 3 and 6 so maybe a bit young, but heck, I'd read it for myself! (=

    1. I'm reading it right now, Elise! Definitely good enough for adults, too.

  15. Lovely Shannon!! You are adorable and wonderful!! All the best!!! Take care

  16. Great choices, Shannon!. I'm so looking forward to reading Keeper of the Lost Cities.

  17. Imaginary people are only unreal if you have no imagination. So Shannon must be good people.

  18. I love all of those books! I especially love A Little Princess, but all five on your list are fantastic. I'm getting my nephew the Sideways Stories from Wayside School boxed set for Christmas! And also Keeper of the Lost Cities :) Congratulations, Shannon!!!

  19. I love this post! I love getting books recs from authors and finding out what some of their favorite books are. Thank you so much for being on the tour!

  20. You've got a great list of books there. Sad to say I haven't read all of them yet. I did really enjoy Mr. Poppers Penguins tho. Thanks for the giveaway. I love the cover art of your book, adds lots of suspense. Congratulations on your upcoming book also.


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!