
Friday, December 20, 2013

End of 2013: reading & writing reflection, by Yahong Chi

This is Project Mayhem's last post of the year, and yes, there really are only 11 days left in 2013. Looking forward and anticipating the year ahead is always a tonne of fun, but it's important and useful to think back on the year that was, too.

Writing-wise, you can start with the big, general questions: how many complete drafts did you write? Did your revisions go the way you wanted? And if you made writing goals at the start of 2013, did you meet them? Writing is an art, and like all arts—like anything in life, really—you want to be constantly improving. Setting goals is a good foundation in building steps toward improving, and it's only one third of the equation; checking whether you met those goals is the last third. (The hardest third is actually writing enough to meet the goals!)

While you're all nostalgic for the year that has gone by and feeling fuzzy and warm with holiday spirit, this is also an opportunity to reflect on the personal growth in regards to your writing, the interior aspect of it as opposed to simply the words on the page. I find it fascinating to look over the stories I've written in the past year and remember my mindset at the time of writing. It's a bit of insight into my own character, the way I thought then and the way I think now. Writing is highly reflective of oneself, and sometimes it's good to reflect on the reflection and consider what it says about yourself.

Reading-wise, this is a good time to check that list you've been updatiing of all the books you read this year. And even if you don't keep track, a general look-back over the books you read can help you spot any trends in your reading, and decide whether you want to consciously make adjustments in your reading. For example, if you write fantasy, but find your past reading rather lacking in the fantasy department, then you can actively seek out fantasy titles to read in the new year. Embrace the To-Be-Read pile!

You can also identify trends in the books you've read. For example, it's pretty evident that sci-fi is dominated by male authors (check out this illuminating and thoughtful discussion). So if you've been struck by a Shiny New Idea that has decided to categorize itself as sci-fi (like my latest MG SNI is!), then perhaps you decide to check the gender balance in your reading list, in the interest of ever-diversifying your reading and thus your writing.

One last word: remember to use your winter break to read as much as you can! As a student, I get how difficult it can be to find time to read. Writers are readers first.

Do you reflect on your reading & writing, and do you set new goals for the new year?

Wishing you happy holidays from us here at Project Mayhem!



  1. Goal setting is so important. But I have to remind myself to set goals that I can accomplish. For example, "I will get published" is ever-so-slightly out of my personal control--until I am Master of the Known Universe. But, "I will apply for an award from SCBWI" (notice I didn't say "win") is certainly something I can accomplish.

    I am looking forward to reading--but wait, my kids will be out of school, and my family from England is coming to visit... I might be able to read the front page of the newspaper.

    Happy Holidays to all our Project Mayhem readers. We'll see you on January 3, 2014!!!

    1. Yes, Mike, that is an excellent point! Remembering which goals are achievable by yourself and which are out of your control is essential to not going too crazy, haha. Hope your holidays are deilghtfully busy!

  2. I think it's important to reflect on goals too...I don't think I accomplished everything I wanted to do in 2013, but I'm starting to feel excited about what I might do in 2014.

    I love looking back at the books I've read on my 100 book challenge and thinking about the ones I enjoyed the most...and all the new books to come in 2014.

    1. I love looking back on the books I've read, too, Andrea! It helps me feel accomplished and also reminds me of the great memories. :)

  3. Posted about my writing goals earlier in the month!

    1. Ooh, ambitious is always a good path to go, as long as you keep yourself flexible! Sounds like you did well for yourself, Caroline. :)

    2. That said, there's a big difference between healthy ambition and unhealthy "Pie in the Sky" notions.

      There's not always a fine line between fear and flexibility.

      I've often ran into situations (Particularly involving self-publishing) where people easily confuse "I can't" and "I don't want to!"

      For 2014, being open to opportunities when and where possible is one of my goals, now that I've embraced making video, the next challenge is to find a way to increase my site traffic and build my content.

  4. I'm definitely feeling resolution-ish as New Year's approaches. I'm pleased with writing for 2013, but I'd like to establish some more consistent habits in 2014. Thanks for the great ideas, Yahong! Enjoy your holiday!

    1. Thank you, Marissa! I'm looking to find some consistency in my writing habits as well. Hopefully 2014 will be the year. :)

  5. Wonderful close out post! Looking forward to leaping into the new year with renewed energy and vision...ok, maybe I should step in (being over 40 now)...ah, the heck with it. I'm leaping...but I'll look first.

  6. I should be more goal-oriented with writing, but have not done such in the past. Here is to consistency in 2014...

  7. Those are great ideas! I never really thought about my reading but I should be taking a closer look at it and what I've read.
    I'm a big goal maker every new year. :)


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!