
Monday, March 17, 2014

Book Birthday: LORDS OF TRILLIUM Giveway and FREE STUFF!

Read an excerpt of Lords of Trillium here!

Finally, finally, finally, I get to celebrate my book birthday! It's been a while! Hopefully it's St. Patrick's day providence that my post is today!

In honor of the Lords of Trillium release, Book III in the Nightshade Chronicles, my publisher, Holiday House, will be providing free e-books of Nightshade City, Book 1, starting this week and for the next few months! The promotion will be through BookBub, so if you're not already a member sign up now (it takes literally a whopping 5 seconds) and they'll alert you every time free promotional books from publishers come out in the genres you choose, including middle-grade! They have more than 2 million subscribers. You simply choose the genre you want and BookBub will send you links to books currently being promoted on their site. For all of you authors looking to promote, this is a great site to do so on, no matter what your genre. It supplies links for most e-readers (Kindle, Nook, Apple, Kobo, etc), so you do little to no legwork, other than clicking a couple times for awesome free reads.

Also, in further honor of the Lords of Trillium release, I'll be giving away 2 signed hardcovers of Lords of Trillium! In order to enter, follow PM if you don't already and please leave a comment. Winners will be announced this Thursday and books sent out ASAP!

Thanks to everyone who's been so supportive of the Nightshade Chronicles! I love that writers and readers alike are so kind. What a great community we are part of!

Now go signup on Bookbub and they'll alert you the moment Nightshade City is available AND follow Project Mayhem and comment to win Lords of Trillium! May the leprechauns be ever in your favor! ;)




  1. Happy St. Patrick's day to you too and YAY on your Book B Day. I love love LOVE that cover. Yes. I love it and kids will as well. I am ordering a set of these for my library and cannot wait to show them off---then start making the waiting lists cause I know there will be more than one kiddo wanting them.

  2. Happy birthday, all you little rats!

  3. Congrats, Hilary! I'm so impressed with all you do.

  4. Wooohooo! I am so looking forward to this!

  5. Congratulations, Hilary! I can't wait to read it!

  6. Aw, this is great! So happy for you Hilary! Congrats on another fabulous novel! M

  7. Thanks for the details on Book Bub! So fun. I am looking forward to starting your series. Happy Book Birthday!!

  8. Congratualtions, Hilary! BookBub sounds like a great resource. Happy birthday to the rats!!

  9. Yay! My kids will be so excited!! Congrats, Hilary! Now . . . off to BookBub :)

  10. Huge congrats, Hilary! Can't wait to read this. And Happy St. Patrick's Day too.

  11. I didn't realize "Lords of Trillium" would tie into St. Patrick's Day release wise. (I thought it'd already came and went for this year, that's how busy I've been...)

    I can't wait to get to this one!

    I know Rum (From my upcoming debut novel, GABRIEL) feels the same, he discovered the series recently, and has just started, congratulations on seeing this saga to a close. I can't wait to review the trilogy on T.A.A.

  12. Happy St. Patrick's Day Book Birthday!! Congratulations on its release.

  13. Huge congrats, Hilary! So excited for you. You've waited a long time for this!

  14. Happy Book Birthday to LORDS OF TRILLIUM!

  15. Congrats, Hilary! YAY!!!!!!!!

  16. Yay, Hillary!!! I hope this is a stunning, smashing success! I hope to read these books soon.


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!