
Monday, March 24, 2014

Writing Soundscapes

Like many writers, I find an environment conducive to writing is a downright necessity when you're working on a manuscript. Of course, this is sometimes easier said than done. The sounds of kids playing, dogs barking, and that blaring pool party down the street might make getting the peace and quiet you need a bit of a challenge.

Of course, not all writers need quiet. I've heard some writers say they write to heavy metal playing full blast on their speakers. I personally would find that a bit difficult, to say the least. Of course, interestingly enough, I also find complete silence EXTREMELY distracting. I need a little something--if only a bit of music or white noise--to fill up that oppressive silence that lingers in the background while I work. Otherwise, it really starts to bother me.

Usually, I fill it up with a little bit of classical or new age music, playing very, very softly. I find music with vocals or lyrics way too distracting. My mind always seems to want to focus on the lyrics of the song rather than the words I'm trying to put down on the page. I also love nature sounds--birds chirping, wind blowing, a low rumble of thunder in the distance. And what is it about the sound of rain, in particular, that I find particularly soothing and inspiring? I can't really say, but I sure like to write to it. Recently, to my utter delight, I discovered that some wonderful folks on YouTube have posted tons of lovely nature soundtracks. This is my current favorite, ten hours of freezing rain. Yes, ten hours. Sometime I play it all day:

This is great to listen to at home. But if I do happen to find myself in an outside environment where noise is a problem, I can simply plug my headphones into my laptop, turn up the volume, and suddenly I'm listening to a lovely rainfall that is just enough to drown out the conversation of the people at the next table.(Yeah, I sometimes like to write at restaurants or cafes.)

But what's so interesting to me is how different writers are when it comes to the sounds and environments they prefer. The heavy metal thing obviously wouldn't work for me, and a writer friend of mine told me listening to hours of falling rain would just make her want to go to the bathroom. I guess we all have our preferences when it comes to what we like to listen to when we write.

What's your writing soundscape?

photo credit: Neil Kremer via photopin cc


  1. What's been interesting for me is how my writing needs have evolved over the years. At first I needed quiet, and wanted no sound at all. Later I needed music that I could tune out. Now I build a playlist for each book that has the vibe I'm looking for...but I think you've just convinced me the newest project (which takes place in the rocky mountains) should get a nature soundtrack! No idea yet if it'll work for me, but trying it out sounds fun. :)

    Thanks for the tip, and great post!


    1. Oh, I love the idea of a project-specific soundtrack, Suzanne! Maybe I'll have to give that a try in the future :)

  2. I'm typically a complete silence girl - not that I get it much. WHile I've never put on music (or white noise) to write by, I'll settle for anything quieter than children screaming.

    1. Yes, complete silence can be hard to find these days--even in the library, lol. Sometimes, for me, the white noise is just to drown out all the distracting sounds in my environment.

  3. I love writing to the sound of rain! Here are a few great ambient sound sites in case anyone needs them: (rain!) (campfire, rain, wind, leaves, etc.) (sounds like a starbucks)

    1. Wow, these are great, Angela!! I love the coffee shop sounds of coffitivity especially. Going to give this a try the next time I write--thanks!

    2. Glad you'll be able to use these links. I spent yesterday listening to leaves in the wind, and I got so much done! :)

  4. I'm laughing at what your friend said about having to go to the bathroom. That would be me. Can't listen to music while I write, either, but I recently discovered I can be very productive in a noisy coffee shop, where it all blends into the background. And, like Angela, is what I use at home!

    1. Just listened to coffitivity for the first time, and I love it! I'm so glad I got the tip!

  5. my writing soundscape at home is the TV. Plays in the background and I don't watch what is on, just the background. When I am out and about at a coffee shop I listen to music but I tell you now I LOVE your idea of a sound like you suggested. I am thinking I would totally go with the sound of being on an airplane (love that sound). Thanks for getting me to think outside my sound box!!

    1. I've seen both airplane and train sounds on YouTube, Deb. I find the train one is nice to go to sleep to. Maybe I'll try writing to it one day…or maybe that will just put me to sleep at my keyboard ;)

  6. Oh, my. Thank you for this! I am one of those classical/no lyrics music or silence people. Sometimes I'll just put in my earbuds to muffle the outside noise, but I am eager to try the nature noises. Sounds like just my thing.

  7. I love writing to nature soundtracks, Marissa. Very relaxing and inspiring. Definitely give it a try and see if works for you!


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!