
Monday, July 21, 2014

Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling

Happy Monday, everyone!

My apologies for this super short post, which is basically just a link to somebody else’s post, but I found it so helpful and interesting I couldn’t not share. Emma Coats, story artist at Pixar, compiled Pixar’s 22 Tips for Writers, which was posted at PR Daily last week (link below).

Tips #2 and #12 really resonated with me, but I think they’re all great food for thought.

Hope you enjoy and share them around.

Happy writing!

photo credit: silkegb via photopin cc


  1. Excellent. Number 9 made me think.

  2. Love 9! Will be using that today for sure and many of the others. Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Excellent. Always good to be reminded of these. #11 ftw!

  4. Thanks for this. I like #3 and #5. And #2 is pretty important and one I don't always think of. I also like #12 and #13. Oh heck, all of them are helpful.

  5. Definitely bookmarking this for the times when writer's block creeps in. Thanks Dawn!


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!