
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Which Project Mayhem Book Are You?, by: Marissa Burt

To kick off your holiday weekend, I've got a little quiz for you. Come on, we all take them. You know the quizzes I'm talking about. The ones you censor from your facebook feed, because you feel a little bit sheepish broadcasting the fact that you wanted to find out the color of your soul or what flavor of ice cream you are or whatever. Well this is one quiz you can publish without a disclaimer, because these books are all amazing!

Not only was it great fun to try and think of Lego characters and foods that match up with the fabulous Team Mayhem books, but it reminded me what a talented bunch we have with us here at Project Mayhem.

So which book are you? Take the quiz and find out. Or take it a couple of times, because there are thirteen possible results. And don't forget to share yours with us in the comments!


  1. I got your book Marissa!

    I have never taken one of these quizzes before. No, really! How the heck do they work?

    Now I have to go back and give different answers and see what happens ...

    1. Welcome to the quiz-world, Dianne! And I promise I didn't weight the answers toward Storybound - ha! It must be because we all love books so much. ;)

    2. Yes, I am always lost in a story, so that makes sense!

  2. What fun! Thanks for doing all this hard work, Marissa. My kids love these sorts of quizzes, so doubtless they'll be doing it all day.

    By the way, I was STORYBOUND! ;)

    1. It was very fun, Michael! But, yes, I thought it would be a quick process. And then an hour in, I was like: too much time committed to draft a new post. And then two hours later....ha!


  3. I got Dawn's "Ivy's Ever After" and while I haven't read it yet, I'm intrigued by this result to read it...

    I should do a quiz for Gabriel (after it's come out, of course...)

    1. Hooray for fairy tales! Yes, I'm now tempted to do a quiz for the characters in Storybound, too. ;)

  4. Oh my gosh, Marissa, this is hilarious! I got "the future-to-be-published books of PM authors" - which I suppose is appropriate for me. Now I'm curious about how one creates a quiz like this.

    1. That sounds about right, Joy. ;) Creating the quiz was fun but a total time suck. But you can do it for free here:

    2. Me too on both counts!

  5. Replies
    1. :) Yeah, I suppose I didn't think about how Mayhemers would probably all answer as book-lovers, which is correlated with the Storybound result.

  6. Hah! This is awesome. I got:

    "You got The Future to-be-published books by Project Mayhem authors :)

    You break the mold. Or perhaps you're out there creating a new one. You are a writer at heart, and you're on the hunt for just the right story. You belong in the world of the authors, dreaming up a new imaginary world for readers to enjoy. The only question is: what will it be?"

  7. Ha. I'm May B. Perhaps because I'm determined and (shh!) Watch Survivor?

  8. Of course! And, Caroline, you don't even know. I am in the middle of a Survivor marathon right now. I LOVE that show. Maybe it's because I could never last a single day out there. ;) More uncanny evidence that we were destined for friendship.

    1. Exactly. Survival stories and shows from the comfort of my couch are very, very appealing. ;)

  9. Thanks, Marissa. That was fun.
    I got my to-be-published book, Surviving Bear Island, which totally surprised me because I didn't even know it would be in the mix since it isn't out yet. Thanks for including it. :-)

  10. I'm a Surviving Bear Island. But I'm going to take it again because there were a couple questions I really could have gone either way. Fun! Thanks!

  11. I think many, if not most, of us will wind up in Storybound! And that is certainly an awesomely exciting place to be!!!

  12. I'm the Future to-be-published author. :)

  13. Thanks for the cool quiz, Marissa! You would think I would get my own book but actually I broke the mold and got future-to-be-published, too!


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!