
Monday, September 14, 2015

ANY ONE FOR TENNIS? by Michael Gettel-Gilmartin

I've been a tennis fan since I was 11, when the young Chris Evert came upon the scene. I thrilled to Bjorn Borg's five consecutive Wimbledon wins, supported Edberg over Becker, and watched Andre Agassi go from bad boy to elder statesman. I've marvelled at Monica Seles, been wowed by Venus Williams, and have fanboyed Roger Federer shamelessly. 

Why am I admitting all this? Because it's been a bit of a rough year, writing-wise. Forgive me for getting personal, but in the past nine months (enough time to birth a baby, I remind myself) I've parted from my agent and set foot once more in the tumultuous waters of querying. Although I've had a smattering of full requests for my middle grade ghost story, I've often felt I'm beating my head against a wall (or off the frame of a tennis racket.)

Everybody counsels the querying writer to write something new, and when I was casting about for a new idea I thought "What the heck! Why not write about something which you're passionate about?!" My "tennis novel" was born.

There aren't many tennis novels around. Mine features a 12-year-old Mexican-American girl, Abbi Cortez, whose father is convinced she is going to be the next tennis phenom. Abbi is good, but does she really have what it takes to make it in the world of pro-tennis? I'm certainly enjoying myself trying to figure out what the future holds for her.

In other news, I'm featuring Tricia Springstubb's novel, MOONPENNY ISLAND, on my Middle Grade Mafioso blog--and I invite you to hop over and take a look. I was captivated by Tricia's gorgeous writing.

And, in honor of the US Open which ended yesterday with a surprising victory on the women's side for Italian veteran, Flavia Pennetta--and a not-so-surprising victory for world number one, Novak Djokovic on the men's, I invite you to play a little game.

Yesterday was 9/13, so go to page 9 of your current manuscript and share line 13 in the comments. Here's my 9/13:

"You could play for fun," Mama says. "Spend more time with your friends."

Here's to playing/writing for fun! Have a great week, everyone.


  1. There are never enough sports books, especially for girls! There aren't many tennis players right at the moment, but I had a conversation over the weekend with a neighbor who seemed to indicate it is on the rise with children. Hope the timing works for you!

    1. Me too, Karen. Let's hope your neighbor was correct.

  2. That's great you wrote a book about tennis, since you like it so much and there is a market for it. Sorry for your hard year--parting ways with an agent and then having to query again is tough.

    1. Thanks, Natalie. I've had better writing years, that's for sure.

  3. Here's my 9/13 line (it's not a good one):

    "No, you."

    I was involuntarily parted with my first agent, and the path to the second was much longer and bumpier than I anticipated. I hope yours is smoother from here on out.

    1. That line could have come straight from my kids' mouth!

      Involuntary parting is wretched. In my case, it was my decision. I was initially hopeful, but it has turned into a long and winding road.

  4. I'm glad you picked a topic you are passionate about for your new novel!

    Here's my 9/13: I glanced around at the frozen faces, wishing that one of them were Trent’s object of attention instead of me, then refocused on Trent.

    1. "Frozen faces?" Now that's a line full of mystery!

  5. So you had a mis-hit and parted ways with your agent. Now you get a do-over. Your new novel sounds like it's right up your alley. Bet you'll find the sweetspot and lob it high over the net (sorry, I couldn't resist a few very bad tennis puns).

    As for page 9/line 13: My arms and legs tingled with pent-up energy. I wished I’d gone for a long run after school.

    1. Great tennis puns, Joanne. From your line, it sounds as if you're writing about a sportsperson too.

  6. Michael, what a wonderful topic to write about - and something you can write with passion! I think your 9/13 line is telling you to do this: "You could play for fun," Mama says. "Spend more time with your friends." Destiny! Perhaps it's also destiny you get a new agent as well. :)

    I feel the place you are in as I have been struggling this year with writing too and my writing spurts have been on and off. I realized I was burnt out and took the summer to just unwind and fill up notebooks with brainstorming and journaling for my new book. Just returning now with renewed vigor.

    Here's my 9/13 line from my medieval fantasy:
    "Merek sheathed his sword and mounted the horse, stroking its neck to find comfort in something that did not judge."

    1. Donna, I think vacations from writing are necessary. I'm glad you've returned with renewed vigor.

      Love your line!

  7. The tennis book sounds great! Have you read Andre Agassi's autobiography, OPEN. It's pretty intense~ he had a dad who pushed him very, very hard.

    I have no WIP at the moment, but here's my last WIP's 9/13: A plague-mold wish, it would be called by Mrs. O’Leary, who claimed to be able to smell a foul wish like a used shirt that was stained full of disease.

    1. Hi Jessica. OPEN is great, and I am often thinking of Andre when I write my own book.

      Great 9/13 line!

  8. This is a really difficult field. I'm so glad you're finding satisfaction in a story that speaks to you.

    My 9/13:

    That pair of long johns Mel’s forgotten, the red ones folded up real nice, I can’t wait to see his face, all grateful and kind of embarrassed, when I hand them over.

    1. Red long johns? No wonder there's going to be some embarrassment! (Love it!)

  9. Definitely keep on writing the next thing, Mike! What else would we do with ourselves, right?

  10. While the MS is in the editing stage, this is what is there right now: from The Strange Round Bird, Young Inventors Guild, Book 3
    " way of putting it. It is rather wonderful soaring through the air in a train carried by an airship.” (Oops- TMI)

  11. And Michael is a BRILLIANT writer! I am always begging to read his work. Soon, the rest of the world will feel the same.


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!