
Thursday, December 10, 2015

Thank you! by Marissa Burt

Five-and-a-half years ago I was a newly agented, yet unpublished debut author. I had met the lovely Hilary while angsting online at the Absolute Write forums about the ups and downs of the submissions roller-coaster. When she asked if I'd be interested in joining a group blog of middle-grade authors, I was thrilled at the opportunity to connect to other writers and venture together into the (for me) totally unknown world of social networking...and I had no idea how much of a gift it would be to be part of Team Mayhem.

Now I find that it's time for me to say a fond farewell to being a regular poster here at Mayhem, and I've put it off for months because of the lovely and wonderful friends I've made. Not only is Team Mayhem made up of some of the most talented middle-grade authors out there, but it's a group of extraordinary people who are warm, personable, encouraging, and unfailingly positive. It's lovely to discover community in what can often be a solitary occupation, and I am so very grateful for your many expressions of personal support over the years - from celebrating book releases and holidays to sending thoughtful prayers and encouragement during times of ill health for my family.Thank you.

I've also so appreciated the wonderful and enthusiastic readers who've found their way to this corner of the internet. Thank you all for being such a bright spot where all of us who love middle-grade books and writing can connect!

With gratitude and best wishes for a warm and merry holiday,



  1. You will be missed, dear one. xoxo

  2. Thank you for all you've done for Project Mayhem, Marissa. We'll miss you.

  3. I miss you already! I'm so happy for your continued success and amazing contributions you've made to Project Mayhem and the kid's writing world!

    WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    XOXO Hilary

  4. Thanks for all of your contribution to the mayhem!! And best of luck is all you do!!

  5. Marissa, it was so wonderful to get to know you here! I wish you well on your new adventures and hope you come back to visit!

  6. See you out there in the rest of the community and come back to our corner sometimes, Marisa! Best wishes.


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!