Monday, October 3, 2011

The Rose Boys on Life as an Author's Kid

My boys, Noah, 10, and Caleb, 8, weigh in on what it’s like to live with a writer in the family. I'll be honest: not all their answers are flattering and have shown me a few things I'd like to do better in the mom department. But a couple made me smile. Without further ado, I give you the Rose Boys.

What’s one good thing about having a mom who’s an author?
N: You like books.
C: You get money so we can do special things, like buy our dog, Boo.

What’s one bad thing about having a mom who’s an author?
N: Sometimes, when no one else is at home and I want to do something with you, I can’t because you’re writing your story.
C: You go on your blog and don’t do stuff with us. Not always, but it seems like it.

Describe May B. in one sentence:
N: May B. is scared when the Oblingers don’t come back, so she basically hides in the house.
C: It’s a survival story.

Finish this sentence: At first I thought May B. would be ______ . Now I think _______.
N: Boring. Now I think it’s good.
C: Good and it was good. I knew Mom would be a good author.

Why should boys read this book?
N: More girls should read it, but boys should read it too because she’s not really girly and she doesn’t play with girl toys like My Little Pony.
C: I think girls would read it more. Boys won’t read it because a girl’s in the story. I think it’s good. I don’t care there’s a girl in the story.

Thank you, boys, for sharing your experience with Project Mayhem!


  1. What a great interview! It's nice to hear them say that boys should read it, even though there's a girl in it. And I love that Caleb's favorite part is being able to buy Boo. :)

  2. Kids are always honest, aren't they? Boo is one loved puppy, let me tell you!

  3. Great interview. I know my daughter even at 14 gets frustrated when I'm on my blogs or a live chat and she knows she's bothering me. I loved your boys' answers. They were so honest.

  4. Great interview. I love their one sentence descriptions of May B. :-)

  5. I loved this!! (I wonder what my three boys would say about me as a writer... I'm sure the incessant blogging would get a mention!)

    I can't wait for May B! (I love that Claeb always knew it would be good!!)

  6. I love this so much! Fine fellas you've got there. Which comes as no surprise. xo

  7. :) They're in the crooked teeth and just discovering hair gel stage -- too cute for words.

  8. How cute are they?? My 3 year old is obsessed with one of the "bad guy" rats in my first book. She says, "Killdeer is chubby and cute, Mommy, but he's really bad!" ;)

    Kids are awesome!

  9. Hilary, I love it!

    Noah was rather unimpressed with the whole thing for a long time (he preferred another manuscript I'd written -- a mystery about snickerdoodles) and was sure he wouldn't like May. Glad hear it wasn't so bad. :)

  10. haha! That's wonderful! Those are the fans that matter - and how great that they think you're a terrific author? I can't wait to read May B. myself. :) M

  11. I loved this. Kids are honest about everything aren't they. They don't do 'little white lies' to be kind :-)

  12. so perfect! thanks for posting this

  13. Too cute! I love seeing how proud they are of you :)

  14. That's awesome. I'm afraid if I interview my kids I might get more honesty than I can handle!

  15. That's great! I love that picture. It looks like one is looking at his mirror image.

  16. LOL! I knew this interview was a MUST READ. :) I think my kids would give many of the same answers about the time I spend writing. *blush* My favorite is "Not always, but it seems like it." That sounds like something my daughter would say. Exactly. :)

    I think your example working towards your goals and dreams is a great one for your kids. (At least this is what I always tell myself....)

    Thanks for the fun interview, Caroline and boys! Hang in there, all of you. :)


  17. Thanks, Tessa. I'm partial to that "hiding in the house" bit. ;)

  18. I love Noah's My Little Pony comment! Glad to hear that May isn't "really girly."

    Fun interview, Caroline.


Thanks for adding to the mayhem!